자바스크립트용 개발 문서 작성기. JSDOC

주석 달기

/** define namespace
* @namespace category

/** use namespace with hash
* @name category#name
* @constructor

/** use member of for constructor
*@memberof category#name


remove all comments.
// You must remove the comments before adding these options to your .json file

"template":"default", // same as -t default
"encoding":"utf8", // same as -e utf8
"destination":"./out/", // same as -d ./out/
"recurse":true, // same as -r
"tutorials":"path/to/tutorials",// same as -u path/to/tutorials, default "" (no tutorials)
"query":"value", // same as -q value, default "" (no query)
"private":true, // same as -p
"lenient":true, // same as -l
// these can also be included, though you probably wouldn't bother
// putting these in conf.json rather than the command line as they cause
// JSDoc not to produce documentation.
"version":true, // same as --version or -v
"explain":true, // same as -X
"test":true, // same as -T
"help":true, // same as --help or -h
"verbose":true, // same as --verbose, only relevant to tests.
"match":"value", // same as --match value, only relevant to tests.
"nocolor":true // same as --nocolor, only relevant to tests

jsdoc -c conf.json

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