생활신조. (lifestyle)
나는 억지로 살지 않는다.
소망을 꾹꾹 눌러담지 않고,
하나하나 현실로 만들어 나간다.
참고 인내하며 열심히 돈을 벌어 부자가 된다면 난 행복할까?
만약 내가 하고싶은 것들을 하지 않고,
톱니바퀴날이 무디어질때까지 열심히 일을 해서 많은 돈을 모을 수 있을지도 모른다.
하지만 나중에 그 많은돈을 스트레스로 생긴 병의 치료비에 쏟아부으며,
고통스럽게 죽어가며 이런생각을 하겠지.
'아, 난 참 하고싶은게 많았는데.'
우선순위를 정해서 하나하나 즐거운 일들을 해나가면서 살아가는것이,
내가 원하는 삶이다.
I don't live forced.
Make real,don't put hope to the bottle.
If I be a rich with bear and patient, am I happy?
I am Supposing that I don't do someting what I want,
maybe I can save much asset with hard work likes a toothed wheel.
However I will say 'I had a so many dreams' in the bed on the hospital after I spent most of all to medical fee for illness from stress.
Set the order of priority and do that is what I wanted life.
A friend of mine said me greatefully "Providing that I have a child, I wanna send him to look after child".
He told me that I seems can teach his child about 'how about enjoy life' when I ask him that reason.
After a decade later.
After five decades later.
I wanna live to hear likes that talk.